Pupil Pages

To access the Pupils page, click on the Pupils button in the main menu bar.

Here you'll find individual pupil reports which show a pupil's key information in a series of tabs. In this guide, we'll cover the format of the Pupils report page, including the main features of each tab, including:

  • Viewing pupil information in the profile tab
  • Editing profile information as an Admin user
  • Selecting assessment data and determining how it is displayed in the assessments tab
  • Viewing objective-level assessments
  • Writing comments for parent reports and previewing them
  • Creating and maintaining pupil learning plans for those who require them
  • Viewing details of any interventions a pupil is in receipt of through the provision mapping feature
  • Making notes and adding attachments
  • Printing and exporting data from the pupil pages

The Profile tab contains school census information: UPN, Date of Birth, class, key characteristics, date started, and colour coded attendance.

If you're syncing pupil photos with your MIS you'll see a thumbnail picture to the left of the name. Click the photo to see a larger version.

You can redefine colour coding for attendance in Admin > Attendance Thresholds.

Beneath the main pupil information are any statutory assessments the pupil has completed, on the left.

On the right is a list of Provision Groups (if applicable). See our Provision Mapping guides for more.

Beneath any Provision Groups will be any Pupil Groups this pupil is part of. These are bespoke, school-defined groups that can be managed using the Pupil Groups tool, or you can assign a pupil into a group by clicking on the +Add Group button here on the Profile tab.

Editing the Pupil Profile

If you are an Admin user, you can click the Edit Profile link to see more details and make edits.

If you have an MIS sync enabled, you'll see a warning message.

As a general rule, any changes to pupil details should be made in your MIS, rather than Insight, as they'll sync through automatically when the sync next runs. If you want to make changes you can click the Unlock To Edit button.

You can make changes as needed, for example to add a Pupil Photo. Ensure you click Save when finished.

Any item that is synced with the MIS will, potentially, change when the sync next runs. Some items, such as Receive Parent Reports do not come from the MIS and will save, remaining as you set them.

The next tab covers Assessments. By default, all assessments for all subjects made in the current year are shown.

You view data relating to other years by clicking on the year menu and choosing the year you want.

To change which subjects and assessment data are displayed, click on the Options button (highlighted in screenshot above).

The Options button allows you to select what data is shown on the pupil page, including progress metrics for the year and key stage. It also allows you to group assessments by subject (the default) or by name. The latter would group all the standardised test data together, for example.

The Assessments tab also has a dropdown to change the data view from a Table (the default) to a graph (for the year

The graphs for year option essentially converts the table of data shown above into a graph that displays assessments for each term:

In this example only the Main Assessment is shown. Other types of assessments have been deselected via the Options button.

The graphs for all years option will show a record of data from the earliest assessment point, which, in the example below, is over 4 years.

Here, we can see standardised scores and reading ages over time. Again, you select which data is displayed via the options button.

You can add new assessment records directly from within the pupil page by clicking on the Add Assessment button in the Assessments tab. This may be more convenient than going via the Enter Data button if you only need to add data for a single pupil or small group.

Clicking on the objectives tab shows the marks given for each objective assessed so far in the current year. Click on the Grid dropdown to change subjects.

Parent Reports

See the parent report guides for details.

Learning Plans

See the learning plan guides for details.


See the provision mapping guides for details.


The Notes tab allows you to store comments and evidence in the form of attachments (including photos) for each pupil, as required.

A record of comments, evidence and other important information can therefore be built up over time. This is a particularly useful tool for recording additional information on pupils with SEND.

And finally...

You can print and save the contents of tabs by clicking on the Print button.

To save the contents of the tab in PDF format, click on the Print button and select Save as PDF from the destination dropdown menu.

You can also download all data pertaining to the selected pupil to Excel by clicking the Export button.

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