Assigning Classes (Registration Groups) to your Pupils

If you have a two (or more) form entry school, you'll often need to be able to filter/group to individual classes as well as to each year group.

If you're a single form entry school and you're struggling to see your pupils, you may have a Class filter turned on instead of a Year Group filter. If you need help, just get in touch.

If you're using Wonde to sync Insight with your MIS, class information should pull across automatically. If you import pupils manually using a CTF, class information is unfortunately not transferred. However, Admin users of Insight can import classes (registration groups) into Insight by following the steps below.

  1. In Insight, go to Account > Admin > Manage Pupils
  2. Click the Update Classes button
  3. Follow the steps on screen and you're done!
You may also add class teacher names, to use in report templates, if required.

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