Statutory Assessments Report

The Statutory assessments report provides senior leaders and governors with a quick reference on school standards compared to national figures over the past four years. It fulfils a need currently not met by the DfE's Analyse School Performance (ASP) system or Ofsted's School Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR).

Note the report does not include the years 2019-20 and 2020-21 during which there was no statutory assessment due to Covid-19.

ASP only provides a three-year time series for selected key stage 2 results. ISDR only shows the quintile position of a school's results over the past three years. It does not show the underlying data.

This guide covers usage of the report and the calculations used to create the displayed data.

The report includes data on the range of statutory assessments from EYFSP through to end of Key Stage Two SATs.

Key stage one assessments are no longer statutory, but in accordance with previous DfE guidance for pupils who change schools, Key Stage One pupils are filtered to those who were on roll as of 31 May in the year of their KS1 statutory assessments.

Using and understanding the report

School Results

The School values are calculated using assessments for pupils who were on roll in your school at the time the assessments were carried out.

This is to try and ensure the values match the ones you see in DfE/Ofsted produced reports, such as ASP or the IDSR.

Some school figures may vary from official statistics. This can happen if Insight doesn't have all data for all pupils. For example, data will be missing for a pupil who left school before you started using Insight.

You can override any of the figures by clicking on the cell containing the school value you need to change, then entering the correct data from another source, such as ASP.

Report display options and Settings

By default, the report shows the previous four years. On the 1st July it automatically rolls over to display the current year (and the previous three, ignoring years in which COVID restrictions caused schools to be closed).

The Academic Year selection, in the top right, allows you to action this rollover sooner, as you may already have your latest data in place. You can also choose to alter the latest year shown with this selection.

The data displayed is governed by the range of year groups in your school. For example, Infant settings will show data for EYFSP, Phonics screening and KS1.

When viewing the report, you may want to alter the sections on display. For example, to only view assessments in Key Stage 2 or to remove the, now optional, Key Stage 1 SATs. To toggle sections on and off, click the Settings button and make your selection.

If you want to jump to a section quickly, click the appropriate hyperlink beneath the Key Results table.

National Comparison

Where a national figure and a school result are present, Insight will offer a national comparison as follows:

National Data Sources

National figures come from the government's Explore our statistics and data website, for example the KS2 headlines page.

National figures are shown in the National (result) columns.

Insight Estimated National

During the period when you have entered your results, but the official national figures are yet to be released (which can be several months in many cases) Insight calculates values based on the data held for all Insight subscribing schools. These figures are calculated once we have a sample of 10,000 data entries, or more, and are updated as more data is entered. The sample will quickly rise to around 65,000 or higher.

An estimated value is indicated with a ~ symbol before it.

Based on prior comparisons, the Insight Estimates are likely to be within 1 percentage point of the final national figures or closer.

These are replaced with official figures when they are released.

During the period when there is no official national figure nor a large enough sample to calculate an Insight estimate, a dash (-) is displayed in the National cell.

At or Above or Below National

At or above national and Below national are a straightforward comparison and take no account of any statistical significance methodology such as cohort size. They are presented to enable you to identify any areas that merit further investigation and possibly identify trends. With smaller cohorts, direct comparisons should be treated with caution and, for this reason, the cohort size is displayed for the most recent data. To see the cohort size for older data, simply click the school value concerned.

Statistically Significant

There are also indicators for above and below that represent statistical significance. These comparisons use statistical methods to show when differences in school's performance may be due to more than chance variation.

For percentage values these comparisons use the same calculation methodology as the Ofsted IDSR 'Progress and attainment at key stages 1 and 2' section. Values marked as Sig above or Sig below in the IDSR should also be marked as statistically significant in the Statutory Assessments report.

Very low, or very high, national percentages can mean that it's not possible to determine if the comparison is significant or not. The reasons for this are documented in the Ofsted IDSR. For these cases Insight will show At or above national or Below national as appropriate.

For average scores this is the same methodology as used by the DfE for progress results, documented in Primary School accountability in 2023: technical guide, Annex D: Confidence intervals.

Missing Data

When missing data prevents a comparison being made, the following icon is shown.

The missing data can be any of: school value, school cohort, national value, Insight estimated national value, or for average scores the standard deviation of the national/Insight estimated national scores.

You are only responsible for the School values (including the school cohort if you need to override the existing value). Data can still be missing from the other required data even if you have both of these in place. Insight will ensure the other required values are included as soon as they are made available or we are able to make a calculation.

School Percentile Rank

The Key Results table, at the top of the report, includes a column for School Percentile Rank.

This is calculated based on the school result, compared to all Insight subscribing schools.

The value is the percentage of results in the frequency distribution that are lower than the school result. So a higher percentile rank may be considered to be better than a lower one. Of course, the percentile rank does not take any other factors into consideration, such as prior results or intake, so should not be used in isolation.

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