Changing or Deleting Assessments in Insight

Changing or Deleting Assessments in Insight

There are two main ways to change assessments in Insight depending on whether you need to copy or move one or two or lots!

  1. Change Individual Assessments

Individual assessments can be changed or deleted from the Pupil page. Click on the individual assessment link to open the Edit Assessment window. Here you can change the

  • Subject
  • Assessment Name
  • Year Group of the assessment
  • Term of the assessment
  • Assessed On date (optional - mainly used for Age-based assessments)
  • Mark, or the assessment itself

Enter the new details or select a new option from the relevant drop-down list and click on the Save button at the bottom.

If the Mark is grey and Read Only this normally means the mark scheme has been made inactive. Please get in touch if you need a historical mark scheme activating (e.g. for historical SAT assessments).

To remove an assessment click on the Delete button in the bottom left corner and then again on the red Confirm Delete button if you are sure! This will completely remove the assessment from the system.

  1. Change Multiple Assessments

    The easiest way to change lots of assessments together is for an Insight Administrator to use the Move/copy Assessments tool on the Admin page. The Admin page can be accessed with the Account menu in the top right of the screen. From here you can change the:
  • Assessment year
  • Assessment term
  • Subject
  • Assessment Name

You can choose to either Copy Assessments or Move Assessments which can let you either duplicate or amend a batch of assessments. For example, Copy can be used to duplicate assessments for a new benchmark or target. Move can be used to correct assessments if any of the details above are incorrect. If you need any help moving assessments please contact the Support Team.

  1. Changing Assessment Mark Scheme

Please contact the Support Team if you need to change the mark scheme for any assessments. We will need to export the pupil names and assessments using the Tables then re-import the data using Excel Assessments on the Enter Data menu. The Support Team will need to check that the marks in both schemes are compatible.

  1. Delete Multiple Assessments

The Support Team can delete multiple assessments for you. Please get in touch using the details below if you are sure you no longer need them. We will need to have as many details as possible (pupil details and assessment specifics) to make sure we delete the correct assessments!

If you have any questions please contact the Support Team on or 020 3393 4005.

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