Significant change log

This page details significant Insight updates. Only updates that affect the user experience are detailed.

October 2024

  • Further improvements to attendance reporting
    • Added DfE 10+ days of continuous absence
    • Added pupil days since last absence
    • Added number/% pupils with each absence code
    • Improved text indicators for clarity

September 2024

  • Cohort Attendance report added
  • Added support for CTF 24
  • Attendance options for Tables report include date ranges and session data options
Bug fixes
  • Provision map group costs now exclude filtered pupils
  • Phonics screening check % of pupils passing check by end of Year 2 now excludes any pupils who have a Y1 result but left during Y2

August 2024

  • The Autumn term can now start before September 1st
  • MAT Statutory Assessments report sections only include schools with that year group range
  • Trust reports may now be filtered by Ethnicity
  • Attendance sessions added to pupil export

July 2024

  • Parent report single file pdf download improved
Bug fixes
  • Copying provision groups now respects checkbox option selections
  • Fixed error when viewing the attendance tab for pupils that left before 2021

June 2024

  • Y1 Phonics screening and Y2 recheck entry screen combined
  • Phonics CTF export is now Y1 & 2 combined file (also as default)
  • Pupil Attendance report
    • Compare pupil with School/National/LA
    • Identified absence patterns
    • DfE penalty notice consideration threshold calculated and filter added
  • Additional Parent Report Placeholders for attendance; lates and days missed
Bug fixes
  • Now possible to show current, and previous, academic year provisions in Tables and Parent Reports

May 2024

  • Statutory assessments report for multi academy trusts
  • Accessibility updates for statutory assessments report
  • Attendance thresholds improved with inclusive upper bounds and custom description text

April 2024

  • Images may be added to parent report comments
  • Insight provided parent report templates improved and updated
  • Subject name aliases for parent report placeholders
  • KS2 SATs CTF imports TAs as well as scaled scores
  • Warning added for older unsupported browsers
  • Option for normal user type to approve parent reports

March 2024

  • Sync Pupil Profile Photos from the MIS
    • Also manual upload
  • Pupil Photo placeholder for Parent Reports and Learning Plans
  • Upload School Logo and associated placeholder for Parent Reports and Learning Plans
  • Statutory Assessments report for schools
    • IDSR methodology
    • Insight National values used when official values not yet released or no official value
  • Add class teacher names for each class and use in associated parent report placeholder
  • The Headlines reports (School and Trust versions) now include a Highlighting (heatmap) option for % values.
    • Highlight high/low values or set a comparator value
  • Report placeholder for pupil groups

February 2024

  • Sync pupil contact email addresses with MIS
  • Email parent reports directly from Insight. With:
    • Improved parent report writing experience
    • Improved parent report template management
    • Improved parent report analysis - for measuring progress top completion, approval and emailing home
    • Email troubleshooting tools - for failed email sending
  • Custom tools for including Objective assessments in parent reports
  • Admin page revised for easier access and clarity
  • Invalid statutory data entries highlighted and save or CTF creation are prevented until fixed
  • Expanded email failure codes to include recipients marking emails as spam
  • Added ability to change order of Learning Plan targets
  • Added ability to optionally copy comments when copying a Provision Group
  • Can now delete unwanted Learning Plan templates

January 2024

  • Now possible to link existing assessments to Provision Groups as Exit or Entry Assessments
  • Statutory Key Stage entry pages updated to add bulk entry and clarity improvements
  • The Statutory Assessments mark sheets now skip the 'Which pupils are you entering data for?' step and include the standard filter bar

December 2023

  • Printable, Group by Provision Group view
  • Provision Type is now one of the editable properties of a group
  • Multiple selections permitted on Provisions Filter
  • Provision Groups may now be copied
  • Date Range filter is now available on the Provision Type page
  • Save and Next added to entry and exit assessments
  • Pupils in a Provision Group can now have individual or group comments
  • Pupil profile now only shows pupil groups with no end date or end date in current academic year
Bug fixes
  • Fixed Enter Data Excel Assessments where blanks always overwritten

November 2023

  • Added Assessments filter to support all school and statutory assessments
  • Assessment Groups available for Assessment Names for improved data entry/analysis
  • Improvements to Pupil Groups UI
  • User amendments to whole school statutory assessments now used in parent reports
  • Added summary data on Provisions page
  • Now showing Provision Groups on Pupil Profile
  • Added Last Academic Year to Provisions date filter
  • Visual cue added where pupils have Provision Group Entry/Exit comments
  • Added group pupil number to Pupils > Provisions tab
  • Added a Supervised By filter to Provisions view
  • Fixed bug where Provisions > Group By Pupil was not using pupil time total
  • Added SEND area filter to Provisions view
  • Added Provisions placeholder for parent reports

October 2023

  • Added option for Learning Plan columns to Tables report
  • Added option for Provisions columns to Tables report
  • Updated Pre Key Stage points values for 2023 accountability
  • Assessment frequency setting available to Admin users
  • Postcode included in EYFSP Excel download
  • Parent report placeholders for Standardised Scores and Age no longer include unnecessary bracketed data

September 2023

  • Added MIS Sync permissions view
  • Added support for CTF 23
Bug fixes
  • Fixed possible graphical glitch in Tables related to screen resolution/scaling

August 2023

  • Added Show Current Academic Year to Statutory Data report

July 2023

  • Added support for Special Consideration for SAT Scaled Scores
  • Improved filter menus to account for smaller screen sizes
  • Main to EYFSP function - Where an assessment is missing in Main it will not overwrite the corresponding EYFSP value with a blank
Bug fixes
  • Fixed invalid date error in Objectives grid
  • Fixed issue where multiple current learning plans could be created

June 2023

  • Added ability to create data return CTF for EYFSP, Phonics, KS1 TAs, KS2 TAs
  • Postcode added as manual edit, CTF import and MIS sync
  • Added % targets chart to Learning Plans report
  • Added additional ELG stats to statutory data report
  • Added Completed checkbox for Parent Report comments
  • Demographics report
    • Added Ethnicity and SEND Specific Needs breakdowns at the bottom of the report
    • Options added to the Year Groups table
      • Group by Year Group or Class
      • For Trust version:
        • Group by Schools or Year Groups
        • Group by School, Year Groups or Year Group, Schools
      • Display as pupil count or %
    • National attendance data updated to latest (2021-22 and also used for 2023) - Auth from 5.0 to 4.8, Unauth from 1.2 to 1.5, Persistent absentees from 18.2 to 17.7
Bug fixes
  • Fixed possible lock up when switching between parent reports
  • Parent report templates are now displayed in alpha order
  • Now able to save blanks in EYFSP grid
  • Update to the calculation on the MTC charts in the Statutory data report to better mirror national data calculations

May 2023

  • Multi Academy Trust reports released
    • Demographics
    • Attainment Overview
    • Progress Overview
    • Progress Matrix
    • Tables
  • MTC added to the Statutory Data report
  • EYFS GLD national comparison added to Statutory Assessments report
  • UI refresh, Parent reports may now be previewed for selected pupil
  • Demographics report
    • Minority Ethnic added
    • Filter bar added
  • Learning Plan Target Review comments, for Not Reviewed, now display in the Targets table
  • Provision Map now responds to pupil filters and has also been tweaked to show realistic Sessions, Time & Cost for 1:1 groups
  • MAT feature - Tables, Attainment/Progress Overviews, Progress Matrix, Scatter & Pupils page all now retain settings if you change school
  • Enter Data > Excel Assessments now supports 'Allow blanks to overwrite existing assessments'
  • Postcode added to pupil profile
  • Parent report placeholder added for objective pronoun, him/her
Bug fixes

April 2023

  • Beta Demographics report for Trusts
  • Import Home emails from CTF (unreleased)
  • Sync Home emails with Wonde (unreleased)
  • Parent Reports
    • Allow invalid placeholders
      • A warning will display in Reports > Parent Reports if a template is previewed with invalid placeholders
      • Any template with invalid placeholders will also be indicated in Admin > Parent Report templates
    • Removed ability to Replace Insight templates
    • Missing Placeholder data now displays as blank rather than (none)
  • Preset Headlines Reports updated and added Trust versions
  • Attainment Overview and Progress Overview reports now default to Reading, Writing and Maths
Bug fixes
  • Prevent an error with headline reports where the term is set to a half term but the school assessment frequency has since been changed to termly

March 2023

  • Display statutory assessments on Pupil's Profile tab
  • Added Learning Plans report
  • Parent Reports
    • Added new 'End of year' parent report template
    • Calendar based Placeholders for Parent Reports Selected Term, Date etc
    • Assessment Placeholder: Selected term
    • Custom File name for export
  • Beta Trust Reports (limited access)
    • Scatter Graphs
    • Attainment Overview
    • Progress Overview
    • Progress Matrix
  • New Trust Home page
  • New Trust School Switcher menu
  • Learning Plan Placeholder for Owner
  • Progress Matrix
    • Supports click to show names
    • Added options for Pupil Count (Percentage) 
  • Parent reports
    • Parent reports downloaded from Pupils > Parent Reports tab now respect any custom filename set in Admin > Parent Report Templates
    • Template menu now organises school and Insight templates more clearly
    • Improved Parent Reports, Phonics template
    • Removed 'Custom' parent report template
  • Trust Headline reports enabled for all Trusts
  • For Trust Users, renamed the 'Mosaic Only' user type to 'Trust Reporting'
  • Learning Plans
  • Template name displayed in header, if there is more than one in use by the school
  • An overall Owner is now indicated at the top
  • Owner is also added to the Subscribers automatically and cannot be removed from the Subscriber list
  • Replaced Learning Plans Delete function with Archive
  • When in Private Mode, page content hidden if it contains pupil details
Bug fixes
  • Tables - Fixed bug where trust shared tables list was not loading
  • Provision Mapping - Pupils are consistently sorted by name

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