Managing Term Dates

Term dates are used by Insight for reporting and to ensure pupils are recorded as on roll correctly. Incorrect dates can result in certain pupil contextual data, such as class or SEN, being applied to the wrong year group.

It is important the dates are correct for your school.

Amending Term Dates

It is advised to check that your term dates are present and correct for the upcoming year.

Admin users can see, and amend, term dates by visiting Account > Admin > Term Dates

Depending on your setup, you will either see whole or half-terms listed. For all but the last day of the summer term, only the start date is needed. The End date is inferred from the start date of the next term.

The End date for Summer is important, as Insight uses it to specify which pupils are on roll in any particular academic year.

Term start dates should be inclusive of any non-pupil days. For example, if the 4th September is the first day back after the summer break and is a staff training day, with pupils returning on the 5th, then the 4th is the first day of term. Term end dates, however, should be the last day pupils are in school, excluding any inset days.

If you haven't entered Term Dates, Insight will default to using 1st September as the start of Autumn 1.

For Multi Academy Trusts, term dates may be set via the Trust Admin page. Any changes will apply to all the schools in the Trust, but individual schools are still able to override their term dates if they wish.

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