Learning Plans - Making basic template changes

The built-in Learning Plan template has been designed to meet the majority of needs. But you may have specific requirements in your school that you'd like to reflect in your headings and layout.

This guide details how an Admin user can make changes to the table columns and some basic layout and content tweaks.

Insight supports using a Word template for learning plans, in which you have complete control over the content and appearance. If you think you may require this level of customisation, see our additional advanced guides, beginning with editing a Word template.

Making basic changes

To begin making changes, access the template by clicking Admin>Learning Plans. You will now be presented with the following screen.

Learning Plan Templates

Any learning plans you have created and uploaded will appear in the list. By default, there will be just one. The number of pupils using each template will be listed under Current Learning Plans. If any pupils have archived plans, using each template, the number will be listed under Archived Learning Plans.

If you have previously Archived any plans, they will also be listed here, including if any pupils still have an active plan using that template. This enables you to click on an archived template, download it or even restore it if you need to.

Click the Learning Plan name link to access to the edit area. This is split into three sections. The first two, govern the tables for targets and comments.

The Word Document Template section is an advanced option and requires you to download, and edit, a template in Word. This is covered in our specific guide.

Renaming, archiving or deleting the template

If you think you might require additional templates, perhaps for specific foci, it is worth naming this template according to its intended usage. Use the Rename button to achieve this. Renaming a template will not affect any Learning Plans that are using it.

You can also Archive the template. Archived templates are not available for any new learning plans, but any active plans will remain. This may be useful if you create several templates and want to tidy up, to make sure other staff use the intended template going forward.

If a template is no longer in use, and there are no historical learning plans using it that you want to keep, the Delete option is available. This is also useful if you have created a template to experiment and just want to remove it.

When you click the Delete button a confirmation warning will be displayed. If your template has current or archived plans using it the number will be shown, and you will be required to type the name of the template to confirm the deletion.

If there are no learning plans using the template, you will not be required to type the name, as there are much reduced implications of the deletion.

Deleting a Learning Plan template is final and there is no way to restore it, once deleted.

Don't worry about editing the default template. By returning to the Admin>Learning Plan Templates area and clicking the New Template button, you can reinstate a copy of the default alongside any other templates you have created.
Restoring an archived template

Occasionally, you may decide that an archived template is required after all. Or perhaps it was archived in error.

To restore the template click its name in the Learning Plan template list.

You then have a button to un-archive the template.

Doing so will make the template available for other to use when creating new Learning Plans once again.

Editing the Target Table Columns

The default Target Table appears in the learning plan as below.

Click Edit Target Table Columns to change the headings, number of columns and their position.

Use the tools to rename, add or remove as required. You can drag and drop the text boxes, using the arrow icons, to change their order in the table (the top one appearing on the left and so on).

Edit Target Columns
If you are editing a template that is already in use in your school, be cautious about deleting columns. If you delete a column, and Save your changes, that column will be removed from any existing learning plans. Any information in that column, for any pupil, will also be deleted. Re-adding the column will not restore the data.

The Extra Columns are where the interactive table cells can be toggled on or off.

If you are making use of the Provision Mapping feature in your school, the Provisions column gives you an interactive cell in which staff can indicate if a particular Provision is part of achieving a target in a learning plan. If you are not making use of this feature, simply untick the box.

The Review column also gives an interactive cell in which staff can enter an effectiveness measure. Again, untick this if it's not something you need.

Click Save Changes when complete.

Editing the Comment boxes

The comment boxes appear, in the learning plan, as individual boxes, either above or below the targets table.

Click Edit Comment Boxes to make changes.

Again, change the names and the order, and delete any you don't need. Then click Save Changes.

Edit comment boxes
Viewing the changes in the pupil page

To review your changes, click Pupils in the menu bar and select a pupil with a learning plan based on the template you just edited. You will now see the comment boxes and target columns with the newly defined headings.

Review Settings

Learning Plans have a review date. This setting allows you to define how many days before that date to email subscribers.

email setting

If the email would be sent over a weekend it will be sent on the Friday instead.

Any changes to the setting will be applied to all existing Learning Plans, not just new ones.

If you'd prefer not to email subscribers, just untick the box and Save.

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