Setting up Insight for the new EYFS Framework (2021-22)
The new Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) is due to become statutory in the 2021/22 academic year (i.e. for pupils entering reception in September 2021). The new framework, published in July 2020, can be found here. Some of Insight's schools have trialled the new curriculum as early adopters in 2020/21. We have worked closely with these schools and taken onboard their thoughts as well as the recommendations of our data guru, James Pembroke.
Change over to the new ELG subjects
Over the summer, we will add a group of 17 subjects called 'EYFS'. The old 17 EYFS subjects will be renamed 'Old EYFS' and moved to the bottom of you subject list (we can't remove these subjects completely as Insight needs them for historic statutory assessments). Here are the old and new ELGs:
What mark scheme?
We recommend adopting a system similar to that already used by many schools for other year groups - a form of 'point in time assessment'. Rather than a flight path, consider categories that simply state if pupils are on track to meet ELGs, or are working at age expectations. We advise using the same language used by all other year groups, to establish a common approach across the school. Most commonly this will be 'Teacher Judgements'. Pupils that are broadly 'typical' or 'expected' in all ELGs early in the year are assumed to be on track to make a 'good level of development' at the end of the year. Go to Enter Data --> School Assessments and choose 'Main Assessment' with 'Teacher Judgements' as the mark scheme:
Some school have preferred to create their own Early Year bands. For example, you could use a three band system that states whether a pupil's development is 'below typical', 'typical', or 'above typical'. Or you may wish to use the statutory language of 'Emerging' and 'Expected'. If you would like something bespoke, or the rest of the school uses a steps model of assessment, please get in touch and we can discuss your options.
New Development Matters Statements
We will not be adding the new Development Matters statements by default. However, we have these as pre-prepared grids which can be added upon request - you do not need to send these to us or create your own copy. Please let us know if you would like us to add the new statements.
Initially, we will be leaving the old Dev Matters statements as they are and not removing them. We feel some Year 1 teachers will still want to access these grids and maybe continue assessing pupils against the old curriculum. Please get in touch if you would like your old Development Matters statements archived.
Birth to Five Matters
Some of our schools are using Birth to Five Matters as their Early Years curriculum. We have the Birth to Five statements ready to be added to Insight as well as the Birth to Five aspects which differ from the new ELGs. There are also some options on which mark scheme to use. All this can be added to Insight so please get in touch so we can get this set up for you.
Let us know if you need anything else
If you would like to discuss these changes, please call the help team on 020 3393 4005. Alternatively, send us an email and we can arrange a time to talk. We can speak about the changes to the curriculum and discuss ways to set Insight up to suit your school's needs. We are keen to discuss these changes with you, especially if you would like to assess the new curriculum in a different way. Whatever you choose to do, we are here to help in any way we can. Insight is a flexible system and, as always, we will support you in getting it set up to meet your requirements.