Removing pupils from SATs after DfE Checking
There are some circumstances where you may need to apply for pupils to be removed from your Key Stage Two performance measures.
This is achieved through the DfE Checking Exercise in September, and reflected in the revised DfE performance measures in December.
There may be exceptional circumstances where you feel it is appropriate to request amendments to the pupils included in the calculation of your school’s performance measures.
Requests can be submitted to remove pupils from being included in the calculation of your school’s performance measures for the reasons listed below.
From the Dfe Checking Excercise guidance
If your application is successful, you can ensure the figures reflected in Insight are accurate through the following means:
Option 1
Navigate to Enter Data > School Assessments Load the appropriate mark sheet, and remove any assessment for the pupil(s) concerned.
Removing the statutory assessments for a pupil will cause Insight to ignore that pupil for any % calculations.
Scaled scores may also be removed from the individual pupil profile page.
If you're running a report where ignoring missing data is optional (such as Headlines or Mosaic), ensure you tick the appropriate box.
If you've previously manually added any values to the Statutory Assessments report, you may also need to amend those to reflect any required changes.
Option 2
Create a Pupil Group of all pupils removed from SATs through the checking process.
When running any reports in which you need those pupils to be removed, click Filters Pupils and choose Pupil Groups.
Select your saved group and ensure Show pupils NOT in the group is ticked before clicking OK.
If you're running reports for a Trust, ensure any schools with SATs removed pupils have created the group with the same name.