Demographics Report - National Statistics sources
The Reports > Demographics report compares pupil demographics data to national figures.
National figures come from the government's Explore our statistics and data website and the Compare Schools service.
Insight aims to show national figures for the current year. Where these are unavailable we will use figures from the previous year. If you think any figure is out of date or incorrect, please contact the Insight support team.
Primary schools
Insight uses the national data for state-funded English primary schools. This excludes secondaries and special schools.
The demographics report shows the percentage of pupils eligible for FSM in the last 6 years (FSM6) because the national comparator is readily available. Unfortunately, the national percentage of disadvantaged pupils is not currently published.
Current Data
The most recent data used by Insight is as follows:
2023-2024 data
Ever 6 FSM - 25.9% (Source - education statistics)
2022-2023 data
Pupil Groups
Source - education statistics
2023-2024 data
EAL - 22.8%
Minority Ethnic Background - 37.4%
SEN Support - 14.1%
EHCP - 3.0%
Whole year absence figures are provided where available. 2022/23 absence figures are for the full academic year. These figures are repeated for following years.
Source - education statistics
Absence National - 5.9%
Authorised Absence - 4.2%
Unauthorised Absence - 1.6%
Persistent Absence - 16.2%